Recommended Reading

Here are some yoga books you might consider reading

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Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

A fantastic reference book published by the Bihar School of Yoga. For yoga practitioners at any level. Written in clear concise language with simple line drawings.

Light on Yoga - BKS Iyengar

A classic reference text on yoga practice. Unfortunately the language is somewhat archaic and at times impenetrable, especially for non-native English speakers. The presentation is a little difficult to understand as many of the photos do not appear next to the relevant text and the index is poorly compiled. Notwithstanding these shortcomings there is a wealth of information in this book.

Tattwa-Bodhah - Sri Adi Shankaracharya

An eight century Indian philosopher expounds on the basics of advaita vedanta philosophy. Unless you read sanskrit it is probably better to read a commentary of this work. We recomend Swami Tejomayananda's commentary published by the Chinmaya Mission Trust. This is an easy text that outlines some basic concepts that explain the human mind and its functioning.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Swatmarama

Written in the seventeenth century this text outlines hatha yoga practice. Once again a commentary is useful - there are dozens to choose from - Swami Vishnu Devananada's commentary is as good as any other and one of the more readily available. Some of the practices described are for extremely advanced practitioners and we do not recommend that anyone try to follow these practices directly. That said, this is a fascinating book and a storehouse of knowledge.

Surya Namaskar - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Another classic from the Bihar School of Yoga. Everything you ever wanted to know about the sun salutation but were afraid to ask!

Yoga for children - Rajiv and Swati Chanchani

Written by two of the most senior Iyengar teachers in India, this book is a great way to introduce yoga to children. Filled with stories, drawings and clear descriptions. Any of the asana routines described are great for adults too.

Yoga and Ayurveda - Dr David Frawley

Ayurveda is the ancient medical system of India and its concepts are inextricably linked with yoga practice and theory. Clear, concise and wonderfully informative.

Autobiography of a Yogi - Swami Parahamsa Yogananda

An amazing account of Swami Yogananda's life. Reads like a fantasy adventure novel.

A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

Perhaps one of the most important books of the new millennium. Tolle's book is a must-read for anyone on the spiritual path. Though it covers much of the same ground as The Power of Now, this book is more mature and extensive. This is one of those books that will make its way to you at the time you need most to read it.

Sadhana - Rabindranath Tagore

This book by the Noble prize winning Bengali writer is beautifully written and an inspiring read.

Bhagavad Gita - Vyasa

A classical Hindu text, but its teachings are applicable to all humanity. There are dozens of commentaries available. We recommend Swami Sivananda Saraswati's version.

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga- H. David Coulter

A comprehensive anatomical guide to yoga practice. A great reference book.

Yoga for your type - Dr David Frawley and Sandra Summerfield Kozak

This book gives sound advice on adapting your practice to suit your body type based on the Ayurvedic principles of Pitta, Kapha and Vata.

Samadhi Yoga - Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda wrote more than 300 books in his lifetime. This is just one of the ones we consider well worth reading.

Freedom in Meditation - Patricia Carrington

One of the most comprehensive guides to meditation. This book gives a very rational down-to-earth examination and explanation of meditation.